Home » Product Finder » Tools » Punchdown, Blades
Buy PDF Photo Part Number Manufacturer Description SeriesTool TypeIncludesBlade SizeFeatures
- 360X30049X 360X30049X Conec TOOL PUNCH DOWN -PunchdownBlade, Wire Stripper--
1375308-1 1375308-1 TE Connectivity PREMIUM IMPACT TL/W BLADE 110 AMPPunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
PDT110 PDT110 Panduit Corp TOOL PUNCHDOWN & BLADE 110 STYLE -PunchdownBlade110Blade Storage
- EPD-914110 EPD-914110 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/ 110 BLADE EPD-914PunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
- EPD-91461 EPD-91461 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/ 66 & 110 EPD-914PunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger66, 110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
1583608-1 1583608-1 TE Connectivity TOOL PUNCHDOWN W/110 BLADE AMPPunchdownBlade110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
PA3574 PA3574 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH PDT BIX BLADE Bix®, SurePunch®Blade-BIX™-
PIPT PIPT HellermannTyton PUNCH DOWN INSTALL PLM TL -Punch Down Tool---
- ENI-110 ENI-110 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp NON-IMPACT PUNCHDOWN TOOL ENI-110PunchdownBlade110Reversible
1583609-2 1583609-2 TE Connectivity BLADE IMPACT TOOL (66 BLADE) AMPBlade-66-
1583609-1 1583609-1 TE Connectivity BLADE IMPACT TOOL (110 BLADE) AMPBlade-110-
9013960000 9013960000 Weidmuller ERME 110 PDT (PUNCH DOWN TOOL) -Blade-110-
9013990000 9013990000 Weidmuller ERME 630 PDT (PUNCH DOWN TOOL) -Blade-630-
9013980000 9013980000 Weidmuller ERME 66 PDT (PD IMPACT TOOL) -Blade-66-
- EPD-914 EPD-914 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL EPD-914Punchdown--Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
- EPD-91466 EPD-91466 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/ 66 BLADE EPD-914PunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
- EPD-914116 EPD-914116 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/ 66 & 110 EPD-914PunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger66/110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
1583236-1 1583236-1 TE Connectivity NON-IMPACT TOOL WITH BLADE AMPPunchdownBlade110Blade Storage
1375309-1 1375309-1 TE Connectivity EVERSHARP 110 BLADE AMPBlade-110-
1375310-1 1375310-1 TE Connectivity EVERSHARP 66/110 DUALLY BLADE AMPBlade-66/110-
1583608-2 1583608-2 TE Connectivity IMPACT TOOL W/OUT BLADE AMPPunchdown--Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
9013970000 9013970000 Weidmuller PUNCH DOWN TOOL PDT IMPACT -PunchdownBlade-Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
1725062-1 1725062-1 TE Connectivity TOOL HAND 4-PAIR PUNCH DOWN AMP, 610XCPunchdown, Multi-PairBlade110 4-Pair-
- EPD-914630 EPD-914630 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL 630 MODJCK BLD EPD-914PunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger630Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- EP-16A EP-16A OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp BIX PUNCHDOWN TOOL -Punch Down Tool-BIX™Impact Adjustment
- EPD-9KRONE EPD-9KRONE OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp PUNCHDOWN TOOL EPB-KRONE BLD EPD-914PunchdownBlade, Hook, SpludgerKrone®Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
EPB-KIT66 EPB-KIT66 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp TOOL KIT MANUAL PUNCH 2 BLADES EPB-500PunchdownBlade66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment
EPB-KIT110 EPB-KIT110 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp TOOL KIT MANUAL PUNCH 2 BLADES EPBPunchdownBlade110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
EPB-KIT66110 EPB-KIT66110 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp TOOL KIT MANUAL PUNCH 4 BLADES EPBPunchdownBlade66, 110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
EPB-11066 EPB-11066 OK Industries/Div of Jonard Ind Corp TOOL BAT PUNCHDWN W/66&110 BLADE EPBPunchdownBattery, Battery Charger, Blade66, 110Blade Lock, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA1913 PA1913 Greenlee Communications UTP STRIPPER/PUNCHDOWN TOOL -PunchdownBlade, Wire Stripper110Fixed Blade
PA70034 PA70034 Greenlee Communications PUNCHDOWN - NON-IMPACT 110 -PunchdownBlade110Fixed Blade
PA3580 PA3580 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN NON-IMP 110 PDT -Punchdown-110Fixed Blade
PA3581 PA3581 Greenlee Communications PDT 66 NON IMPACT RUBBER HANDLE -Punchdown-66Fixed Blade
PA70012 PA70012 Greenlee Communications PDT NON-IMPACT 110 TWIST-LOCK -PunchdownBlade110Blade Storage
- PA4572 PA4572 Greenlee Communications BLADE SUREPUNCH 110 REVERSIBLE SurePunch®Blade-110-
PA4571 PA4571 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH 66/110 IDC TERM SurePunch®Blade-66/110-
PA4573 PA4573 Greenlee Communications BLADE SSP 66 SurePunch®Blade-66Reversible
- PA4529 PA4529 Greenlee Communications BLADE 630 REPLCMNT PUNCHDWN TOOL -Blade-630-
46024 46024 Greenlee Communications BLADE-110 -Blade-110Reversible
46022 46022 Greenlee Communications BLADE-66 -Blade-66Reversible
- PA4527 PA4527 Greenlee Communications BLADE 66 REPLCMNT PUNCHDOWN TOOL -Blade-66Reversible
- PA4528 PA4528 Greenlee Communications BLADE 110 REPLCMNT PUNCHDWN TOOL -Blade-110Reversible
- PA4531 PA4531 Greenlee Communications BLADE KRONE REPLACEMENT Krone®Blade-Krone® LSAReversible
PA3582 PA3582 Greenlee Communications PDT BIX NON IMPACT RUBBR HANDLE -Punchdown-BIX™Fixed Blade
PA4591 PA4591 Greenlee Communications BLADE-SPP DOUBLE 110/110 SurePunch® ProBlade-110Reversible
- PA4562 PA4562 Greenlee Communications HEAD REPLACEMENT BLADE CASS 5PR -Blade-110 5-Pair-
- PA4563 PA4563 Greenlee Communications HEAD REPLACEMENT BLADE CASS 4PR -Blade-110 4-Pair-
N046-000 N046-000 Tripp Lite PUNCH-DOWN CABLE INSTALLAT TOOL -PunchdownBlade, Handle66, 110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA4574 PA4574 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPNCH IMPACT BIX CUTONLY Bix®, SurePunch®Blade-BIX™-
PA4575 PA4575 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH KRONE LSA CUTONLY SurePunch® ProBlade-Krone® LSA-
- PA4535 PA4535 Greenlee Communications BLADE KRONE LSA PLUS REPLACEMENT Krone®Blade-Krone® LSA-
PDB110M PDB110M Panduit Corp REPLACEMENT BLADE FOR FIVE PAIR -Blade-110 5-Pair-
- PA3526 PA3526 Greenlee Communications TOOL IMPACT PUNCHDOWN 6.2"LONG -PunchdownBlade66, 110, 630Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
- PA3570 PA3570 Greenlee Communications HANDLE SUREPUNCH PDT SurePunch®Punchdown--Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- PA3527 PA3527 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN IMPACT W/66 BLADE -PunchdownBlade66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
- PA3528 PA3528 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN IMPACT W/110BLADE -PunchdownBlade110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
- PA3532 PA3532 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN IMP KRONE BLADE -PunchdownBladeKrone®Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- 46020 46020 Greenlee Communications PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/O BLADE-PKG -Punchdown--Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PDTH110 PDTH110 Panduit Corp REPLACE BLADE SINGLE PAIR PUNCHD Pan-Punch®Blade-110-
PA3571 PA3571 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH PDT 110/66 COMBO SurePunch®PunchdownBlade66/110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3572 PA3572 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH PDT 110 REVERSBLE SurePunch®PunchdownBlade110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- PA3573 PA3573 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH PDT 66 REVERSIBLE SurePunch®PunchdownBlade66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3589 PA3589 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownHook, Light, Pick, Spludger-Adjustable
- PA3535 PA3535 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN IMPACT 630 BLADE -PunchdownBlade630Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
PA3590 PA3590 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownHook, Light, Pick, Spludger-Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3576 PA3576 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH DOUBLE 110 BLADE SurePunch®PunchdownBlade110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3575 PA3575 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH PDT KRONE LSA BLD SurePunch®PunchdownBladeKrone®Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- PA3579 PA3579 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH 110/66 REVERSIBLE SurePunch®PunchdownBlade, Handle66, 110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
PA3591 PA3591 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger66/110Reversible
PA3592 PA3592 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3593 PA3593 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
46021 46021 Greenlee Communications PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/66 BLADE-PKG -PunchdownBlade66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
46023 46023 Greenlee Communications PUNCHDOWN TOOL W/110 BLADE -PunchdownBlade110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- PA3536 PA3536 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN IMPACT BIX BLADE -PunchdownBladeBIX™Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- PA3540 PA3540 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN 66/110 W/HOLSTER -PunchdownBlade, Holster66/110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
PA3585 PA3585 Greenlee Communications SUREPUNCH PRO PDT W/DBL 110BLADE SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3588 PA3588 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger66/110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3596 PA3596 Greenlee Communications PUNCHDOWN SSP W/110 SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Light110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
PA3597 PA3597 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Light66Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
PA3586 PA3586 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger66, 110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3594 PA3594 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, SpludgerBIX™Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3595 PA3595 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, SpludgerKrone® LSABlade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3584 PA3584 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger110Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
- PA3587 PA3587 Greenlee Communications TOOL SUREPUNCH PRO W/LGHT&BLADES SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, Hook, Light, Pick, Spludger66, 110Impact Adjustment, Reversible
PA3598 PA3598 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, LightBIX™Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3599 PA3599 Greenlee Communications PDT SUREPUNCH PRO SurePunch® ProPunchdownBlade, LightKrone® LSABlade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades
PA3560 PA3560 Greenlee Communications TOOL PROPUNCH 110 W/5PAIR HEAD ProPunch®Punchdown, Multi-PairBlade110 5-Pair-
PA3561 PA3561 Greenlee Communications TOOL PROPUNCH 110 W/4PAIR HEAD ProPunch®Punchdown, Multi-PairBlade110 4-Pair-
PDT110M PDT110M Panduit Corp FIVE PAIR PUNCHDOWN TOOL Pan-Punch®Blade-110 5-Pair-
1375308-4 1375308-4 TE Connectivity PREM IMPACT TL/W BLADE 110/66 AMPPunchdownBlade, Hook, Spludger110Impact Adjustment
- PA1913.1 PA1913.1 Greenlee Communications TOOL UTP STRIPPER/110PUNCHDOWN -PunchdownBlade, Wire Stripper110Fixed Blade
- PA3580.1 PA3580.1 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN NON-IMP 110 BLADE -Punchdown-110Fixed Blade
- 3581.1 3581.1 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDOWN NON-IMP 66 BLADE -Punchdown-66-
- PA4573.1 PA4573.1 Greenlee Communications BLADE SUREPUNCH 66 REVERSIBLE SurePunch®Blade-66-
- PA3526.2 PA3526.2 Greenlee Communications BELT HOLSTER FOR PUNCHDOWN TOOL -Punchdown--Blade Storage, Impact Adjustment, Interchangeable Blades, Reversible
- 3538 3538 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDWN NOIMPACT KRONE BLD -PunchdownBladeKrone®-
- 3541.1 3541.1 Greenlee Communications TOOL PUNCHDWN 66/88/110/KRON/BIX -PunchdownBlade, Handle66, 88, 110, Krone®, BIX™-
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