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Buy PDF Photo Part Number Manufacturer Description PackagingSeriesCircuitSwitch FunctionCurrent RatingVoltage Rating - ACVoltage Rating - DCActuator TypeMounting TypeTermination StyleIngress ProtectionFeaturesOperating Force, TorqueRelease ForcePretravelDifferential TravelOvertravel
LSH7L LSH7L Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSHDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountScrew Terminal*-1.7 in-lb-66°
D2HW-BR212M D2HW-BR212M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts76gf7gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.062" (1.6mm)
LSW7L LSW7L Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE PLUNGER ADJ DPDT BulkLSWDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VAdjustable Side PlungerChassis MountScrew Terminal*-2720gf-0.100" (2.5mm)0.035" (0.9mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
D2HW-BR213M D2HW-BR213M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts76gf7gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.062" (1.6mm)
LSYAB3K-5D LSYAB3K-5D Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUGINLOW TEMP VERS SIDE BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Steel Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSK5A-8C LSK5A-8C Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INWOBBLE COIL SPRING SPDT BulkLSKSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VCoil SpringChassis MountPlug In*Neon Indicator198.4gf-2.000" (50.8mm)--
D2HW-BR222M D2HW-BR222M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts50gf3gf-0.030" (0.8mm)0.098" (2.5mm)
LSJ5A-7N LSJ5A-7N Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INWOBBLE CABLE SPDT BulkLSJSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VWobble CoilChassis MountPlug In*Wobble, Cable198.4gf-1.500" (38.0mm)--
D2HW-BR222ML D2HW-BR222ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts50gf3gf-0.030" (0.8mm)0.098" (2.5mm)
LSA7L4 LSA7L4 Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountScrew Terminal*Actuator Mounted Left Side4 in-lb-15°60°
D2HW-BR222MR D2HW-BR222MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts50gf3gf-0.030" (0.8mm)0.098" (2.5mm)
- BZE7-2RQ8-PG BZE7-2RQ8-PG Honeywell Sensing and Control ENCLOSED SWES E7TOP ROLLER BulkE7SPDTOn-Mom15A (AC), 500mA (DC)125V125VRoller PlungerChassis MountScrew TerminalIP50 - Dust Protected-255 ~ 368gf113gf0.015" (0.4mm)0.002" (0.05mm)0.141" (3.6mm)
D2HW-BR223M D2HW-BR223M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts50gf3gf-0.030" (0.8mm)0.098" (2.5mm)
- 14XE1 14XE1 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH LIMIT PIN PLUNGER SPDT 7A *
D2HW-BR223ML D2HW-BR223ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts50gf3gf-0.030" (0.8mm)0.098" (2.5mm)
- BZE7S-2RN-PG BZE7S-2RN-PG Honeywell Sensing and Control ENCLOSED SWES E7TOP PLUNGER BulkE7SPDTOn-Mom15A (AC), 500mA (DC)125V125VRound (Pin Plunger)Chassis MountScrew TerminalIP65 - Dust Tight, Water ResistantActuator Seal Boot255 ~ 680gf113gf0.078" (2.0mm)0.002" (0.05mm)0.219" (5.6mm)
D2HW-BR223MR D2HW-BR223MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, StraightChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts50gf3gf-0.030" (0.8mm)0.098" (2.5mm)
1PB542 1PB542 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH LIMIT PB PNL MT SPDT 5A *
- 44526-1022 44526-1022 Omron Automation and Safety T5007, 2 N/C, S. STEEL HEAD, FRO *
D2HW-BR232M D2HW-BR232M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts66gf5gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.075" (1.9mm)
- D4F-320-3R D4F-320-3R Omron Automation and Safety D4F-320-3R BulkD4F4PST (2-NO, 2-NC)On-Mom, Off-Mom15A (AC), 550mA (DC)120V125VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountCable LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofCable Length 3m510gf51gf12°-40°
D2HW-BR232ML D2HW-BR232ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts66gf5gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.075" (1.9mm)
LSB1A1 LSB1A1 Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INTOP ROTARY SPDT BulkLSBSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VTop Rotary - No LeverChassis MountPlug In*Clockwise Operation Only2.5 in-lb-25°10°110°
D2HW-BR232MR D2HW-BR232MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts66gf5gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.075" (1.9mm)
201LS6 201LS6 Honeywell Sensing and Control ENCLOSED SWES LSSIDE ROTARY BulkLSSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug InIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSteel Roller, Front Mounted1.7 in-lb0.280 in-lb20°12°30°
D2HW-BR233M D2HW-BR233M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts66gf5gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.075" (1.9mm)
LS3YVC1A LS3YVC1A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INTOP PLUNGER SPDT *
D2HW-BR233ML D2HW-BR233ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts66gf5gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.075" (1.9mm)
- D4F-420-1R D4F-420-1R Omron Automation and Safety D4F-420-1R BulkD4F4PST-NCOn-Mom15A (AC), 550mA (DC)120V125VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountCable LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofCable Length 1m510gf51gf12°-40°
- WLCA2-8P1 WLCA2-8P1 Omron Automation and Safety LIMIT SWITCH WEATHER PROOF *
D2HW-BR233MR D2HW-BR233MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts66gf5gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.075" (1.9mm)
LS3F1E LS3F1E Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROLLER PLUNGER BulkLS3SPDT-DBOn-Mom50mA (AC/DC)250V60VSide Roller PlungerChassis MountPlug In*-2720gf-0.100" (2.5mm)0.025" (0.6mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
D2HW-BR262M D2HW-BR262M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.070" (1.8mm)
D2HW-BR262ML D2HW-BR262ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.070" (1.8mm)
LSC2C LSC2C Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSCDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VRound (Pin Plunger)Chassis MountPlug In*-1814gf-0.071" (1.8mm)0.020" (0.5mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSYHC1A LSYHC1A Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountPlug In*-1.7 in-lb-66°
D2HW-BR262MR D2HW-BR262MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.070" (1.8mm)
LSYPC1A LSYPC1A Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountPlug In*-4 in-lb-66°
D2HW-BR263M D2HW-BR263M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.070" (1.8mm)
LSYUC1A LSYUC1A Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountPlug In*-4 in-lb-70°
LSJ7L-7A LSJ7L-7A Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INWOBBLE PLAST ROD DPDT BulkLSJDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VWobble CoilChassis MountScrew Terminal*Wobble, Plastic283gf-1.000" (25.4mm)--
LSA7L-1C LSA7L-1C Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUGINSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Nylon Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA7L3-1B LSA7L3-1B Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Actuator Mounted Right Side4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA7L-1D LSA7L-1D Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Steel Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA7L-1B LSA7L-1B Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Steel Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA7L-1A LSA7L-1A Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Nylon Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSYPC3K LSYPC3K Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUGINSIDE ROTARY SPDT BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountScrew Terminal*-4 in-lb-66°
LSYHC3K LSYHC3K Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY SPDT BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountScrew Terminal*-1.7 in-lb-66°
LSYNB3K LSYNB3K Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INLOW TEMP VERS SIDE BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountScrew Terminal*-4 in-lb-65°40°20°
D4F-302-1R D4F-302-1R Omron Automation and Safety SWITCH LIMIT 2NC/2NO PLUNGER 1M BulkD4F4PST (2-NO, 2-NC)On-Mom, Off-Mom15A (AC), 550mA (DC)120V125VRoller PlungerChassis MountCable LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofCable Length 1m1224gf153gf0.047" (1.2mm)-0.125" (3.2mm)
LSN1A-3A LSN1A-3A Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSNSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, Yolk RollerChassis MountPlug In*Nylon Rollers, Back/Front4 in-lb-65°40°20°
LSN1A-3D LSN1A-3D Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSNSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, Yolk RollerChassis MountPlug In*Steel Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-65°40°20°
LSN1A-3P LSN1A-3P Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSNSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, Yolk RollerChassis MountPlug In*Steel Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-65°40°20°
LSN1A-3S LSN1A-3S Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSNSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, Yolk RollerChassis MountPlug In*Nylon Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-65°40°20°
LSV5A LSV5A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INTOP PLUNGER ADJ SPDT BulkLSVSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VAdjustable PlungerChassis MountPlug In*-1814gf-0.071" (1.8mm)0.016" (0.4mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSF1E LSF1E Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE ROLLER PLUNGER SPDT BulkLSFSPDT-DBOn-Mom50mA (AC/DC)250V60VSide Roller PlungerChassis MountPlug In*-2720gf-0.100" (2.5mm)0.025" (0.6mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSE5A LSE5A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE PLUNGER STND SPDT BulkLSESPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide PlungerChassis MountPlug In*Neon Indicator2720gf-0.100" (2.5mm)0.025" (0.6mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSG1A LSG1A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG INSIDE PLUNGER STND SPDT BulkLSGSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide PlungerChassis MountPlug In*-4536gf-0.170" (4.3mm)0.090" (2.3mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
LSG3K LSG3K Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE PLUNGER STANDARD BulkLSGSPDT-DBOn-On10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide PlungerChassis MountScrew Terminal*-4536gf-0.170" (4.3mm)0.090" (2.3mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
V3L-3004 V3L-3004 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH ROLLER SPDT 15A SCREW *
LSJ2B-7A LSJ2B-7A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INWOBBLE PLASTIC ROD DPDT BulkLSJDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VWobble CoilChassis MountPlug In*Wobble, Plastic283gf-1.000" (25.4mm)--
LSJ6B-7A LSJ6B-7A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INWOBBLE PLASTIC ROD DPDT BulkLSJDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VWobble CoilChassis MountPlug In*Wobble, Plastic283gf-1.000" (25.4mm)--
LSC2B LSC2B Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUGIN TOP PLUNGER STAND DPDT BulkLSCDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VRound (Pin Plunger)Chassis MountPlug In*-1814gf-0.071" (1.8mm)0.020" (0.5mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSC6B LSC6B Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUGIN TOP PLUNGER STAND DPDT BulkLSCDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VRound (Pin Plunger)Chassis MountPlug In*-1814gf-0.071" (1.8mm)0.020" (0.5mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSA2B-1D LSA2B-1D Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Steel Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA2B-1B LSA2B-1B Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Steel Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA2B-1A LSA2B-1A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Nylon Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA6B-1D LSA6B-1D Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUGINSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Steel Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA6B-1B LSA6B-1B Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Steel Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA6B-1A LSA6B-1A Honeywell Sensing and Control PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Nylon Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSC4L LSC4L Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INTOP PLUNGER STANDARD BulkLSCDPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VRound (Pin Plunger)Chassis MountScrew Terminal*-1814gf-0.071" (1.8mm)0.020" (0.5mm)0.190" (4.8mm)
LSA4L-1D LSA4L-1D Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUGINSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Steel Roller, Back Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA4L-1B LSA4L-1B Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUGINSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Steel Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA4L4-1D LSA4L4-1D Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Actuator Mounted Left Side4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA4L3-1D LSA4L3-1D Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Actuator Mounted Right Side4 in-lb-15°60°
LSA4L-1A LSA4L-1A Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY DPDT BulkLSADPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Nylon Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
LSYAC3N LSYAC3N Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUG-INSIDE ROTARY 1NC BulkLSYSPST-NCOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountScrew Terminal*-4 in-lb-15°60°
D2HW-BR263ML D2HW-BR263ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.070" (1.8mm)
LSYAB5A LSYAB5A Honeywell Sensing and Control NON PLUGINLOW TEMP VERS SIDE BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountPlug In*Neon Indicator4 in-lb-15°60°
D2HW-BR263MR D2HW-BR263MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.070" (1.8mm)
GLAA21A1B GLAA21A1B Honeywell Sensing and Control GLOBAL LIMIT SWES GLSSIDE ROTARY BulkGLSDPDTOn-Mom6A (AC), 550mA (DC)120V125VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountScrew TerminalIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSequence Action2.9 in-lb-26°12°59°
D2HW-BR272M D2HW-BR272M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
201LS151 201LS151 Honeywell Sensing and Control ENCLOSED SWES LSSIDE ROTARY BulkLSSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary - No LeverChassis MountPlug InIP67 - Dust Tight, Waterproof-4.5 in-lb0.750 in-lb20°12°30°
D2HW-BR272ML D2HW-BR272ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
LSYAB3K-2J LSYAB3K-2J Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSYSPDT-DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 800mA (DC)120V115VSide Rotary, Adjustable RollerChassis MountScrew Terminal*Nylon Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-15°60°
D2HW-BR272MR D2HW-BR272MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
V3L-2163 V3L-2163 Honeywell Sensing and Control SWITCH ROLLER SPDT 11A SOLDER *
D2HW-BR273M D2HW-BR273M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
LSN1E-1A LSN1E-1A Honeywell Sensing and Control LEVER FOR ROTARY SWITCH BulkLSNSPDT-DBOn-On50mA (AC/DC)250V60VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountPlug In*Nylon Roller, Front Mounted4 in-lb-65°40°20°
D2HW-BR273ML D2HW-BR273ML Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
D4C-3024-M1GJ 0.5M D4C-3024-M1GJ 0.5M Omron Automation and Safety LIMIT SWITCH BulkD4CSPDTOn-Mom1A (DC)-30VSide Rotary, RollerChassis MountCable with ConnectorIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofCable Length 0.5m, LED Indicator580gf150gf10°50°
D2HW-BR273MR D2HW-BR273MR Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, Simulated RollerChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts183gf20gf-0.020" (0.5mm)0.079" (2.0mm)
D4C-3202-F4 D4C-3202-F4 Omron Automation and Safety LIMIT SWITCH D4C
D2HW-BR282M D2HW-BR282M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NCOn-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts92gf5gf-0.027" (0.7mm)0.110" (2.8mm)
D4C-3403 D4C-3403 Omron Automation and Safety LIMIT SWITCH BulkD4CSPDTOn-Mom4A (DC)-30VCross Roller PlungerChassis MountCable LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofCable Length 3m, LED Indicator1200gf450gf0.071" (1.8mm)0.008" (0.2mm)0.118" (3.0mm)
D2HW-BR283M D2HW-BR283M Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div SUBMINIATURE BASIC SWITCH BulkD2HWSPST-NOOff-Mom100mA (AC), 2A (DC)125V12VLever, LeafChassis MountWire LeadsIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofSupport Posts92gf5gf-0.027" (0.7mm)0.110" (2.8mm)
WL01D2-LD WL01D2-LD Omron Automation and Safety SWITCH LIMIT SPDT .1A ROLL PLNGR BulkWLSPDT-DM/DBOn-Mom100mA (AC/DC)125V30VRoller PlungerChassis MountScrew TerminalIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofLED Indicator2720gf910gf0.067" (1.7mm)0.040" (1.0mm)0.219" (5.6mm)
ASKHF3Q04AY ASKHF3Q04AY C&K Components SWITCH SNAP ACTING BulkASPST-NOOff-Mom25A (AC), 2A (DC)125V24VOvertravel PlungerPanel MountQuick Connect - 0.250" (6.3mm)--567gf85gf0.050" (1.27mm)-0.050" (1.27mm)
WLD3-LE WLD3-LE Omron Automation and Safety SW LMT SPDT 10A TOP BALL PLNGR BulkWLSPDT-DM/DBOn-Mom10A (AC), 6A (DC)125V30VBall Bearing PlungerChassis MountScrew TerminalIP67 - Dust Tight, WaterproofNeon Indicator2720gf910gf0.067" (1.7mm)0.040" (1.0mm)0.158" (4.0mm)
WLG12 WLG12 Omron Automation and Safety SWITCH LIMT SPDT 5A ADJ ROL LEVR BulkWLSPDT-DM/DBOn-Mom5A (AC), 400mA (DC)125V125VSide Rotary, Adjustable RollerChassis MountScrew TerminalIP67 - Dust Tight, Waterproof-1000gf100gf10°65°
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