Home » Product Finder » Test and Measurement » Equipment - Electrical Testers, Current Probes
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FLUKE-1621 FLUKE-1621 Fluke Electronics GROUND TESTER EARTH -Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.15 ~ 2 kOhmCAT II 600V
CS-8000 CS-8000 Greenlee Communications SEEKER CIRCUIT -Wire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable TypesCAT III 750V
CMP-200 CMP-200 Greenlee Communications CLAMPMETER -Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Frequency and Current to 2000ACAT III 600V
I3000 FLEX-4PK I3000 FLEX-4PK Fluke Electronics CURRENT CLAMP AC 4 PACK -Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC Current to 3000A, BNC InterfaceCAT III 600V
I5SPQ3 I5SPQ3 Fluke Electronics CURRENT CLAMPS AC 5A 3 PACK -Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC Current to 6A, BNC InterfaceCAT III 600V
CMP-200-C CMP-200-C Greenlee Communications CLAMPMETER -Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Frequency and Current to 2000ACAT III 600V
DGC-1000A DGC-1000A Amprobe GRND RESISTNCE TESTR CLAMP-ON -Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.025 ~ 1.5 kOhmCAT III 600V
FLUKE-1623-2 FLUKE-1623-2 Fluke Electronics GROUND TESTER GEO EARTH 1623Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.02 ~ 20 kOhmCAT II 300V
FLUKE-1630 FLUKE-1630 Fluke Electronics METER EARTH GROUND CLAMP -Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.025 ~ 1.5 kOhmCAT III 300V
- GP-2A GP-2A Fluke Electronics EARTH GROUND TESTER -Earth Ground TestersDMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency and Current to 460ACAT III 240V
FLUKE-1623-2 KIT FLUKE-1623-2 KIT Fluke Electronics KIT GROUND TESTER GEO EARTH 1623Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.02 ~ 20 kOhmCAT II 300V
FLUKE-1625-2 FLUKE-1625-2 Fluke Electronics GROUND TESTER ADVANCED GEO EARTH 1625Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.02 ~ 300 kOhmCAT II 300V
AT-3500 AT-3500 Amprobe UNDERGROUND WIRE TRACER ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable TypesCAT III 600V
CMGRT-100 CMGRT-100 Greenlee Communications TESTER GROUND ROD -Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)Tests Earth Ground ContinuityCAT III 150V
CMGRT-100-C CMGRT-100-C Greenlee Communications TESTER GROUND ROD -Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)Tests Earth Ground ContinuityCAT III 150V
FLUKE-1625-2 KIT FLUKE-1625-2 KIT Fluke Electronics KIT GND TESTER ADVAN GEO EARTH 1625Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.02 ~ 300 kOhmCAT II 300V
DM-III MULTITEST F DM-III MULTITEST F Amprobe PWR QUALITY ANALZR/DATA LOGGER DMPower Quality AnalyzerMeasures Voltage, Current, Resistance, and FrequencyCAT III 600V
DM-III MULTITEST DM-III MULTITEST Amprobe PWR QUALITY RECORDER/ANALZER DMPower Quality AnalyzerMeasures Voltage, Current, Resistance, and FrequencyCAT III 600V
1673606-1 1673606-1 TE Connectivity KIT TONE TRACER/PROBE -Combination KitIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
- SENSELITE SENSELITE B&K Precision FLASHLIGHT LED W/AC VOLT DETECTR SenseLite™Voltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 40 ~ 300VAC-
45 45 TPI (Test Products Int) SAFETY VOLT CHECK W/VISUAL ALERT -Voltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 50 ~ 1000VAC-
7290 7290 Pomona Electronics FLASHLIGHT LED W/AC VOLT DETECTR 7290Voltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 40 ~ 300VAC-
FLUKE-321 FLUKE-321 Fluke Electronics CLAMP METER 400AC 400OHM RES 320Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 400ACAT III 600V
FLUKE-322 FLUKE-322 Fluke Electronics CLAMPMETER 40/400AC 400OHM RES 320Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 400ACAT III 600V
FLUKE-333A FLUKE-333A Fluke Electronics CLAMP METER 400AC 600OHM RES 330Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 400ACAT III 600V
FLUKE-334A FLUKE-334A Fluke Electronics CLMPMETR 600AC IN-RUSH BCKLGHT 330Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 600ACAT III 600V
FLUKE-335A FLUKE-335A Fluke Electronics CLAMP METER 600AC TRUE-RMS 330Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 600ACAT III 600V
FLUKE-336A FLUKE-336A Fluke Electronics CLAMP METER 600AC W/DC AMPS 330Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 600ACAT III 600V
FLUKE-337A FLUKE-337A Fluke Electronics CLAMP METER 1000AC W/FREQUENCY 330Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency and Current to 1000ACAT III 600V
- FLUKE-62/322/1AC FLUKE-62/322/1AC Fluke Electronics KIT IR THRM CLMP MTR/VLT DETCTR -Combination KitMeasures Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Temperature-
T5-600/62/1AC T5-600/62/1AC Fluke Electronics KIT THRM IR W/T5-600/62/1AC -Combination KitMeasures Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Temperature-
AC40B AC40B Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON MINI -Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 400ACAT III 600V
ACD-16 PRO ACD-16 PRO Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON DATA LOG 1000A ACDCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency, Temperature and Current to 1000ACAT III 600V
ACD-6 TRMS-PRO ACD-6 TRMS-PRO Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON TRMS ACDCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency, Temperature and Current to 1000ACAT III 600V
AT-4004CON AT-4004CON Amprobe ADV WRE TRCR CLMP-ON TRNSMITTR ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
AT-4005CON AT-4005CON Amprobe ADV WRE TRACER TRANSMITTER ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
DM-4 DM-4 Amprobe POWER QUALITY RECORDER DMCombination KitMeasures Voltage, Current and FrequencyCAT III 600V
GP-2 GP-2 Amprobe GRND RESISTNCE/RSISTVITY TESTER -Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0 ~ 200 kOhmCAT III 250V
PRM-3 PRM-3 Amprobe PHASE SEQUNCE/MTR ROTATIN TESTR -Phase Rotation IndicatorDetects the Rotary Field of Three-Phase SystemsCAT III 600V
TIF300HV TIF300HV Amprobe AC VOLT DECTOR/ TIC TRACER TIFVoltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 30 ~ 122000VAC-
VP-600SB VP-600SB Amprobe NON CNTCT PRBE 100-600VAC VPVoltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 100 ~ 600VACCAT III 600V
AD105A AD105A Amprobe METER AC/DC CLAMP-ON 1000A -Current Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Frequency and Current to 1000ACAT III 1000V
ACD-15 PRO ACD-15 PRO Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON 2000A ACDCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Capacitance, Frequency and Current to 2000ACAT III 600V
ACD-31P ACD-31P Amprobe MTR CLMPON TRMS BCKLGT 1000A ACDCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency, Temperature and Current to 1000ACAT III 600V
ACD-330T ACD-330T Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON W/BACKLIGHT ACDCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency and Current to 1000ACAT II 1000V, CAT III 600V
ACD-56 HPQ ACD-56 HPQ Amprobe METER POWER QUALITY CLAMP-ON ACDCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency and Current to 400ACAT III 600V
ACDC-3000 ACDC-3000 Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON TRMS ACDCCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Frequency and Current to 1000ACAT III 600V
ACDC-620T ACDC-620T Amprobe DMM CLAMP-ON TRMS ACDCCurrent Clamp Meter (Stand Alone)DMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance, Capacitance, Temperature and Current to 1000ACAT II 1000V, CAT III 600V
ADF-200 ADF-200 Amprobe DMM FORK DESIGN -Electrical Tester, ForkDMM Functions Include Voltage, Resistance and Current to 2000ACAT II 1000V, CAT III 600V
AT-2001 AT-2001 Amprobe ADV WIRE TRACER PROF/RES ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
AT-2002 AT-2002 Amprobe ADV WIRE TRACER PROF/COMM ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
AT-2003 AT-2003 Amprobe WIRE TRACR PROF OPN TRCR SYS ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
AT-2004 AT-2004 Amprobe ADV WIRE TRACR OPN CKT SYS ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
AT-2005 AT-2005 Amprobe ADV WIRTRACR MULTW/BATT BSTR ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
CT-326B CT-326B Amprobe CURRENT TRACER HEAVY DUTY CTWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
PY-1 PY-1 Amprobe HIGH VOLTAGE TESTER AC/DC PYElectrical Tester, SolenoidMeasures AC, DC Voltage 115 ~ 400VAC, 125 ~ 600VDC-
VPC-10 VPC-10 Amprobe TEST VOLT/CONTIN W/LED DIS VPCVoltage DetectorMeasures AC, DC Voltage 24 ~ 600VAC, 6 ~ 220VDCCAT III 600V
VPC-10N VPC-10N Amprobe TSTR VOLT/CONTIN W/LED VPCVoltage DetectorMeasures AC, DC Voltage 24 ~ 600VAC, 6 ~ 220VDCCAT III 600V
- A400 A400 Amprobe TRANSDUCER CLAMP-ON 400A -Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC Current to 400A, Banana InterfaceCAT II 600V
ACF-3000SR ACF-3000SR Amprobe FLEXIBLE CURRENT TRANSDUCER F/ ACF-3000Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC Current to 3000A, BNC InterfaceCAT III 600V
CT-600 AC/DC CT-600 AC/DC Amprobe TRANSDUC CLAMP-ON 600A AC/DC CTCurrent Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC, DC Current to 600A, Banana Interface-
SC-3000 SC-3000 Amprobe SIGNAL CLAMP ----
TIF100 TIF100 Amprobe AC VOLTAGE DETECTOR TIFVoltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 30 ~ 1500VAC-
TIF300CC TIF300CC Amprobe AC VOLT DETECTOR PLUS TIFVoltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 30 ~ 1500VAC-
AT-4001CON AT-4001CON Amprobe ADV WIRE TRACER W/SOFT CASE ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
AT-4003CON AT-4003CON Amprobe ADV WIRE TRACER W/HARD CASE ATWire TracerIdentifies Breakers, Open Circuits and Pinouts in Various Cable Types-
I50S I50S Fluke Electronics CURRENT PROBE AC/DC SCOPE 50MHZ -Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC, DC Current to 30A, BNC InterfaceCAT I 300V, CAT II 150V
FLUKE-1623 FLUKE-1623 Fluke Electronics GROUND TESTER GEO EARTH 1623Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.001 ~ 20 kOhmCAT II 300V
FLUKE-1623 KIT FLUKE-1623 KIT Fluke Electronics KIT GROUND TESTER GEO EARTH 1623Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.001 ~ 20 kOhmCAT II 300V
FLUKE-1625 FLUKE-1625 Fluke Electronics GROUND TESTER ADVANCED GEO EARTH 1625Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.001 ~ 300 kOhmCAT II 300V
FLUKE-1625 KIT FLUKE-1625 KIT Fluke Electronics KIT GND TESTER ADVAN GEO EARTH 1625Earth Ground TestersMeasures Resistance 0.001 ~ 300 kOhmCAT II 300V
I430-FLEX I430-FLEX Fluke Electronics AC CURRENT FLEX 3000A -Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC Current to 3000A, BNC InterfaceCAT III 1000V
I430-FLEX-4PK I430-FLEX-4PK Fluke Electronics AC CURRENT FLEX 3000A 4 PACK -Current Clamp, Probe (Add On)Measures AC Current to 3000A, BNC InterfaceCAT III 1000V
TIC 300CC TIC 300CC Amprobe DETECTOR AC VOLTAGE 30-1500V -Voltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 30 ~ 1500VAC-
1301270001 1301270001 Molex Inc TESTER CIRCUIT RCPT ASSEMBLY Super-Safeway® 1301273-Wire Circuit TesterMeasures Continuity-
FLUKE 1AC-1 FLUKE 1AC-1 Fluke Electronics VOLTAGE DETECTOR AC 90-1000V VoltAlert™Voltage DetectorMeasures AC Voltage 90 ~ 1000VACCAT IV 1000V
TK-30 TK-30 Greenlee Communications ELECTRICAL KIT BASIC TKCombination KitMeasures Voltage, Resistance and Rotary Field, Tests Circuits-
TK-30GFI TK-30GFI Greenlee Communications ELECTRICAL KIT GFCI TKCombination KitMeasures Voltage, Resistance and Rotary Field, Tests GFCI Circuits-
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